301 Xuefu Road, Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R. China
Faculty & Staff
Liu Liang
Jul 1, 2024


Liu Liang

Professional Title

Associate Professor



Short Biography

Education Background

Ph.D.(2008.9-2012.10), Doctor of chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China

M.S. ( 2006.9-2008.7) , Master of Applied Chemistry, Jiangnan University

B.E.( 2002.9-2006.6), Bachelor of Chemical Engineering& Technology, Jiangnan University

Working Experience

2018.4 - Present, Associate professor, School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University

2013.1 - 2018.4, Assistant Professor, School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University

Teaching Courses

1. 《Vehicle safety》

2. 《Power battery technology》

3. 《Electrochemistry and battery technology》

Research Fields

1. Modification and development of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries

2. Materials design for Sodium ion battery, Potassium ion battery and Zinc ion battery

3. Study on mechanical-thermodynamic-electrochemical coupling performance of power battery

Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC No.51402129)

2. University Natural Science Research Project of Jiangsu Province (14KJB580004)

3. Research Foundation for Advanced Talents of Jiangsu University (No. 1281120042).

Selected Publications

1. L. Liu, W. Dai, H. Zhu, Y. Gu, K. Wang, C. Li, C.F Pan, M. Zhou, J. Liu, Artificial Cathode-Electrolyte Interphase towards High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Case Study of β-AgVO3, Nanomaterials 2021, 11(3), 569

2. L. Tao, L. Liu, R. Chang, H. He, P.r Zhao, J. Liu, Structural and interface design of hierarchical porous carbon derived from soybeans as anode materials for potassium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 463, 228172, (2020)

3. L. Liu, Q. Liu, W. Zhao, G. Li, L. Wang, W. Shi, L. Chen, Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Orientated VO2(B) Raft-like Nanobelt Arrays through Direct Lithiation for Lithium Ion Batteries, Nanotechnology, 28 (2017) 065404.

4. L. Liu, T. Yao, Q. Liu, X. Tan, Z. Wang, D. Shen, S.Q. Wei and Y. Xie, Room–Temperature Intercalation–Deintercalation Strategy towards VO2(B) Single Layers with Atomic Thickness, Small, 2012, 8, 3752.

5. T. Yao, L. Liu (co-first author), C. Xiao, X. Zhang, Q. Liu, S.Q. Wei and Y. Xie, Ultrathin monoclinic VO2(M) nanosheets with half-metallicity and thermal-induced phase transition, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 7554.

Selected Patents

1. L. Liu, et al. Preparation method of Manganese based Lithium Rich Cathode material for Lithium battery, China, Invendengd tion Patent Number: ZL201710373792.0

2. L. Liu, et al. An Intelligent preheating System for Vehicle Power Battery Based on Internet of Vehicles, China, Invendengd tion Patent Number: ZL201811316198.9

3. L. Liu, et al. Preparation method of ammonium vanadate cathode material for Lithium ion battery, China, Invendengd tion Patent Number: ZL201710374432.2

4. L. Liu, et al. Preparation and Application of a Vanadium trioxide anode material, China, Invendengd tion Patent Number: ZL201711441852.4

5. L. Liu, et al. Preparation method of lithium Manganese rich cathode material with double surface coating, China, Invendengd tion Patent Number: ZL201710375053.5