301 Xuefu Road, Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R. China
Faculty & Staff
Cai Yingfeng
Jul 1, 2024


Cai Yingfeng

Professional Title




Short Biography

Education Background

Ph.D.(2009.9-2013.4), Instrument Science and Technology, Southeast University

M.E.(2006.9-2009.1), Precision Instruments and Machinery, Southeast University

B.E.(2002.9-2006.6), Measurement and Control Technology and Instrumentation, Southeast University

Working Experience

2016-now, Served successively as Deputy Dean, Executive Deputy Dean, and Dean of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

2018-now, Professor of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

2017-now, PhD supervisor(Automotive Engineering/Transportation Engineering) of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

2013-2018, Served successively as lecturer and associate professor of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

Teaching Courses

1. 《Intelligent Drive》

2. 《Automotive Testing Technology》

3. 《Intelligent Transportation System》

4. 《Automotive Feedback Control》

5. 《Traffic Image Detection and Analysis》

6. 《Topics in Automotive and Transportation》

7. 《Leading Lecture on Transportation Engineering》

8. 《Traffic and Transport Engineering》

9. 《Vehicle System Dynamics》

10. 《Vehicle Automatic Transmission Theory》

Research Fields

1. Complex environment sensing technology for multi-source heterogeneous sensor information fusion

2. Deep-sense-based visual saliency recognition technology

3. Multi-objective, vertical and longitudinal dynamic decoupling control technology for intelligent vehicles

4. Auto-driving car driving rights switching and man-machine co-drive technology

Research Projects

Hosted Proposals:

1. Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the Mechanism of Autonomous Perception and Behavior Cognition of Intelligent Vehicle Based on Complex Network Theory (U20A20333, 2021-2024, ¥3030000)

2. National Specialized Research and Development Program "New Energy Vehicle" Special Subtopic: Research and Demonstration of Key Technologies for Electric Automatic Driving Vehicles (Sub-topic: Research on Multi-target Behavior Recognition and Prediction Algorithms Around Vehicles) (2017YFB0102603, 2017-2021, ¥1020000)

3. Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Intelligent Dynamic Coordinated Control Mechanism and Energy Optimization Management for Chassis Systems of Four-wheel Drive Pure Electric Vehicle (Topic 1: Research on Multi-agent Coordinated Control and Energy Optimization of Pure Electric Vehicle Chassis System) (U1664258, 2017-2020, ¥2760000/¥828000)

4. Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Hybrid Driven Vehicle Configuration Optimization and Electromechanical Coupling Coordination Control (Topic 2: Research on Electromechanical Coupling Mechanism of Electromechanical Rotor System) (U1764257, 2018-2021, ¥2928000/¥732000)

5. National Natural Science Foundation of China (face items): Research on Hybrid Characteristics of Autonomous Vehicle Lateral Dynamics and Model Predictive Control (51875255, 2019-2022, ¥72000)

6. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund: Research on Video Vehicle Sensing Method Based on Temporal-Spatial Saliency and Variable Component Model (61403172, 2015-2017, ¥240000)

7. Young Talents Lifting Project of China Association for Science and Technology (2016QNRC188, 2016-2018, ¥450000)

8. Major projects for the development of strategic emerging industries in Jiangsu Province: Research and development of major key technologies for integrated driving assistance systems for electric vehicles (Sufa Gaichuang (2016) No. 1094, 2016-2019, ¥10000000)

9. Innovative Talent Team Project of Six Talent Peaks in Jiangsu Province: Research on Key Technologies of Environment Perception and Intelligent Control for Autonomous Electric Vehicles (2018-TD-GDZB-022, 2019-2021)

10. Jiangsu Province Key R&D Plan (Key Technologies for Industry Preview and Commonness): Key Technologies for Intelligent Assisted Driving Systems for Electric Vehicles (BE2016149, 2016-2019, ¥1200000)

11. Jiangsu Province Excellent Youth Fund: Research on Theory and Method of Intelligent Car Environment Perception (BK20180100, 2018-2021)

12. China Postdoctoral Fellowship Special Grant Program: Research on Visual Vehicle Detection Method Based on Deep Learning in Complex Traffic Environment (2015T80511, 2015-2017)

Participating Proposals

1. Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Dynamic Behavior Modeling and Collaborative Control of Smart Vehicle Multi-state System (U1564201, 2016-2019)

2. Major Informatization Projects of the Ministry of Communications: Research on Key Technologies of Road Traffic Accidents Chain Blocking Method and Active Safety Integrated Control System (2013364836900, 2013-2016)

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (face items): Research on the Dynamic Evolution of Road Traffic Accidents Chain and Its Blocking Method for Vehicle Network (61573171, 2016)

4. Doctoral Fund of the Ministry of Education (Priority Development Area): Dynamic Analysis and Hybrid Control of Electronically Controlled Air Suspension System for Electric Buses (20133227130001)

5. Jiangsu Province's Strategic Emerging Industry Development Major Projects: Research and Development of Key Technology for Advanced Chassis Electric Power Integration of Pure Electric Vehicles (Sufa Gaichuangfa (2015) No. 1084, ¥10000000)

6. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund: Research on Vehicle Recognition Method Based on Deep Migration Learning in Complex Traffic Scene (61601203)

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund: Analysis and Control of ECAS Vehicle Body Height Adjustment Mechanism Based on Ito Stochastic Theory (51105117)

Selected Publications

More than 100 papers have been published in 《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》, 《IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology》, 《IEEE Trans. on Image Processing》, 《IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems》, 《Neural Networks》, and 5 representative papers are as follows:

1. A novel saliency detection algorithm based on adversarial learning model[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020, 29: 4489-4504. ( SCI, IF= 10.8)

2. DLnet With Training Task Conversion Stream for Precise Semantic Segmentation in Actual Traffic Scene[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021. ( SCI, IF= 10.4)

3. Salient object detection based on multi-scale contrast[J]. Neural Networks, 2018, 101: 47-56. ( SCI, IF= 8.0)

4. Piecewise affine modeling and hybrid optimal control of intelligent vehicle longitudinal dynamics for velocity regulation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 162: 108089. ( SCI, IF= 6.8)

5. Pedestrian motion trajectory prediction in intelligent driving from far shot first-person perspective video[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. ( SCI, IF= 6.5)

Selected Patents

1. Surrounding vehicle behavior adaptive correction prediction method based on driving prediction field.

2. Mechanical-hydraulic composite transmission device with participation of double hydraulic transmission mechanisms.

3. Highway vehicle abnormal behavior early warning system based on 5G communication.

4. Vehicle speed optimization method based on vehicle-vehicle game and driving potential field force in centralized confluence area.

5. Kinematics forecast compensation mechanism-based surrounding vehicle behavior real-time identification method.

6. Automatic driving decision-making control method and system based on hierarchical reinforcement learning.

7. Hydraulic-type automatic steering system of pilotless automobile, and control method of hydraulic-type automatic steering system.

8. Lane change trajectory planning method based on integration of polynomial and particle swarm optimization.

9. Intelligent vehicle model prediction steering controller based on model reconstruction and control method thereof.

10. Driving steering collision early warning method.