301 Xuefu Road, Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R. China
Faculty & Staff
Ammar Jafaripournimchahi
Jul 1, 2024


Ammar Jafaripournimchahi

Professional Title

Associate Professor



Short Biography

Education Background

Ph.D.(2016.9-2021.3), Transportation Engineering, Southeast University

M.S.(2009.9-2011.6), Mechanical Engineering, Guilan University

B.S.(2001.9-2005.6), Mechanical Engineering, Mazandaran University

Working Experience

March 2023 now: Associate Professor, Jiangsu University

June 2021 March 2023: Postdoc Researcher, Jiangsu University

August 2010 – July 2016: Production Manager in F.Chimie Company, Rasht

(General Mechanical Equipment- Design and Drawings-PM Programs, Repair and Maintenance)

Sep 2008 - August 2010: Chairman and Project Manager

(Using Locators and GPRs controlled through a powerful Python API to find missing Gas and water piping lines

capturing video frames, detecting deformations of underground soil on video frames, recognizing basic shapes for user interface elements, getting fund for new projects)

June 2007 – July 2008: Project Mechanical Engineer - Azarab

Design, Manufacturing, and implementation of the Project on the Site (Cement Production Machinery, such as Azarab Cement Factory).

Research Fields

1. Autonomous vehicles traffic flow Modeling

2. Human driving vehicles traffic Flow theory

3. Traffic flow Modelling in microscopic and macroscopic approaches

4. Traffic Control plan in mixed Traffic flow

Selected Publications

1. Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi, Yingfeng Cai*, Hai Wang, Lu Sun. Environmental Analyses of Delayed-Feedback Control Effects in Continuum-Traffic Flow of Autonomous Vehicles[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(18):11292. (SCI三区, IF=3.889)

Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi, Yingfeng Cai*, Hai Wang, Lu Sun, Biao Yang. Stability analysis of delayed-feedback control effect in the continuum traffic flow of autonomous vehicles without V2I communication[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2022,605:127975. (SCI三区, IF=3.778)

2. Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi, Yingfeng Cai *, Hai Wang, Lu Sun, Jiancheng Weng. Integrated-Hybrid Framework for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Microscopic Traffic Flow Modelling[J]. Journal of advanced transportation, 2022:2253697. (SCI四区, IF=2.249)

3. Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi, Lu Sun, Wusheng Hu. Driver’s Anticipation and Memory Driving Car-Following Model[J]. Journal of advanced transportation, 2020:4343658. (SCI四区, IF=2.419)

4. Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi , Wusheng Hu, Lu Sun. An Asymmetric-Anticipation Car-following Model in the Era of Autonomous-Connected and Human-Driving Vehicles[J]. Journal of advanced transportation, 2020: 8865814. (SCI四区, IF=2.419)

5. Lu Sun, Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi*, Wusheng Hu. A forward-looking anticipative viscous high-order continuum model considering two leading vehicles for traffic flow through wireless V2X communication in autonomous and connected vehicle environment[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020,556:124589. (SCI三区, IF=3.263)

6. Lu Sun, Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi*, Alain Kornhauser, Wusheng Hu. A new higher-order viscous continuum traffic flow model considering driver memory in the era of autonomous and connected vehicles[J]. Physica A: Statistic and Mechanics and its Applications,2020,547:123829. (SCI三区, IF=3.263)

7. Ammar Jafaraipournimchahi , Wusheng Hu, Lu Sun. Nonlinear Stability analysis of An Anticipation-Memory car following model in the era of autonomous and connected vehicles[C]. 2020 International Conference on Urban Engineering and Management Science (ICUEMS) , 2020. (EI)