301 Xuefu Road, Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R. China
Faculty & Staff
Li Meng
Jul 1, 2024


Li Meng

Professional Title

Associate Professor



Short Biography

Education Background

Ph.D.(2011.9-2017.8), Engineering Science, Louisiana State University

B.E.(2007.9-2011.6), Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum

Working Experience

2022.2-now, Associate professor, Jiangsu University

2019.10-2021.11, Senior engineer, Stellantis Company

2016.10-2019.9, CAE engineer, Detroit Engineered Products

2011.9-2016.9, Research assistant, Louisiana State University

Teaching Courses

1. 《Automotive Tribology》

2. 《Heat Transfer》

Research Fields

1. Thermal and energy management for renewable energy vehicles

2. Tribology

3. Control and fault diagnostics of vehicle system

Research Projects

1. National Key R&D Program of China, Development of high voltage architecture for integrated vehicle thermal management

Selected Publications

1. M. Li, Compressor Sizing for a Battery Electric Vehicle with Heat Pump. No. 2021-01-0221. SAE Technical Paper, 2021.

2. M. Li, F. He, and B. Geist, Thermal Modeling of DC/AC Inverter for Electrified Powertrain Systems. No. 2020-01-1384. SAE Technical Paper, 2020.

3. R.Yang, M. Queiroz, and M. Li. "Neural Network-based Control of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation With Input Saturation." IFAC-PapersOnLine 51.34 (2019): 170-175.

4. M. Li, M. Khonsari, R. Yang, Dynamics Analysis of Torsional Vibration Induced by Clutch and Gear Set in Automatic Transmission, International Journal of Automotive Technology 19.3 (2018): 473-488.

5. M. Li, M. Khonsari, D. McCarthy, J. Lundin, Parametric analysis of wear factors of a wet clutch friction material with different groove patterns, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology (2017): 1350650116689236.

6. M. Li, M. Khonsari, D. McCarthy, J. Lundin, Model Validation and Uncertainty Analysis in the Wear Prediction of a Wet Clutch, Wear 364 (2016): 112-121.

7. M. Li, M. Khonsari, D. McCarthy, J. Lundin, On the Wear Prediction of the Paper-Based Friction Material in a Wet Clutch, Wear, 334 (2015) 56-66.

8. M. Li, M. Khonsari, D. McCarthy, J. Lundin, Parametric Analysis for a Paper-Based Wet Clutch with Groove Consideration, Tribology International, 80 (2014) 222-233.

Selected Patents

1. K. Zhang, J. Yao, L. Zhang, Y. Chen, M. Li, Self-Adaptive Well Pattern Optimization Method Based on Gradient Algorithm (CN 102930345 A), 2013