301 Xuefu Road, Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R. China
Master Supervisors
Zhang Xiaoliang
Sep 11, 2024


Zhang Xiaoliang

Professional Title




Short Biography

Education Background

Ph.D(2009.09-2012.06), Vehicle Engineering, Jiangsu University

M.S.(2006.09-2009.06), Vehicle Engineering, Jiangsu University

B.E.(2006.09-2009.06), Automobiles and Tractors, Henan University of Science and Technology

Working Experience

2023.06-now Professor of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

2015.07-2023.05 Associate Professor of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

2012.07-2015.06 Lecturer of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

2005.03-2006.08 Product engineer of SCHEUERLE Industry Transporters (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

2004.03-2005.02 Product engineer of SANY Heavy Machine Shanghai Research Institute

2001.09-2004.02 Product engineer of Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd.

Teaching Courses

1. 《Construction of Automobile》

2. 《Innovative product design》

3. 《Vehicle control systems》

Research Fields

1. Simulation and control of vehicle dynamic performance

2. Design theory and method of the inerter

3. Inerter-spring-damper (ISD) suspension systems and control

4. Mechanical memory elements and nonlinear vibration

Research Projects

1. Dynamic matching mechanism and continuous coordination control of shyhook inertance and damping semi-active suspension (NSFC51875257), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Principal)

2. ISD suspension matching mechanism and control based on multi-port mechanical network theory (NSFC51405202), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Principal)

3. Coordinated control of inertance and damping of inerter-spring-damper controllable suspension system (BK20130521), supported by Jiangsu provincial committee of Science and Technology. (Principal)

4. Research and development of key technologies for advanced vehicle ISD suspension (BE2013096), supported by the Science and Technology Support Program of Jiangsu Province. (Principal)

5. Matching mechanism and control between ISD suspension and multi-port mechanical network of full car (2015M570408), supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. (Principal)

6. Research and application of adjustable inertance and damping suspension (2013-JNHB-001), supported by the Six Talent Peaks Program of Jiangsu Province of China. (Principal)

7. Network synthesis design method of suspension systems based on a triangular periodic table of elementary mechanical elements (NSFC51805223), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. ( Co-Principal with Prof. Jiamei Nie)

Selected Publications

1. Zhang, X-L*, Zhu J, Nie J-M, et al. Analysis of inertance and damping double-skyhook control strategies for a semi-active device combining an adjustable inerter and damper[J]. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2022, 29(10) : 1–25 .

2. Zhang, X-L*, Geng C, Nie J-M, et al. The missing mem-inerter and extended mem-dashpot found, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2020, 101(2), 835–856 .

3. Zhang, X-L*, Zhu Z, Nie J-M, et al. Mem-inerter: a passive element equivalent to the semiactive inerter performing initial-displacement-dependent inertance control strategy[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2021, 43(12) : 1–14

4. Zhang, X-L*, Cheng, XB, Liu, JC. et al. Load Adaptivity of Seat Suspensions Equipped with Diamond-Shaped Structure Mem-Inerter. J. Vib. Eng. Technol. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42417-024-01385-1

5. Nie J, Chen L, Huang X, Zhang, X-L*, et al. Network synthesis design method of nonlinear suspension system with mem-inerter[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2023, 11(7): 3321-3337.

Selected Patents

1. Xiaoliang Zhang, Jiamei Nie, Zhenxing Huang, Long Chen. Hydraulic Mem-Inerter Device And Its Application, 2021, U.S. patent 11078981.

2. Long Chen, Xiaoliang Zhang, Jiamei Nie, Haobin Jiang, Ruochen Wang. Passive skyhook and ground damping vibration isolation system. U.S. patent 9074652B2.