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Zhao Jingya


Zhao Jingya

Professional Title



Short Biography

Education Background

M.D.-Ph.D. (2015.3-2022.9), Transportation Engineering, Southeast University

B.E. (2011.9-2015.6), Traffic Engineering, Southeast University

Working Experience

2022.12-now, Lecturer of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University

Research Fields

1. Intelligent traffic safety

2. Traffic safety modeling

3. Traffic planning and design

Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Risk Mechanism and Safety Optimization Design in Expressway Ramp Impact Areas (Participation)

Selected Publications

1. Zhao Jingya, Liu Pan, Xu Chengcheng, Bao Jie. Understand the impact of traffic states on crash risk in the vicinities of Type A weaving segments: A deep learning approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention,2021, 159.

2. Zhao Jingya, Guo Yanyong, Liu Pan. Safety impacts of geometric design on freeway segments with closely spaced entrance and exit ramps. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021, 163.

3.  Xu Chengcheng, Zhao Jingya, Liu Pan. A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach to Investigate the Effects of Traffic Conditions and Road Characteristics on Air Pollutant Emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 239: 118084.1-118084.11.

4. Xu Chengcheng, Li Haojie, Zhao Jingya, Chen Jun, Wang Wei. Investigating the relationship between jobs-housing balance and traffic safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2017, 107, 126-136.

Selected Patents

1. Xu Chengcheng, Zhao Jingya, Liu Pan, A method for evaluating the impact of road traffic characteristics on the emission concentration of Inhalable particles.

2. Guo Yanyong, Zhao Jingya, Liu Pan, Ouyang Pengying. A method for designing road markings in expressway weaving areas.


Jiangsu University Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Copy Rights@2021-2025 All Rights

Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province,P.R. China